Want birth control delivered to you? Planned Parenthood offers QCK Birth Control by mail. Available for no cost for those with Badgercare+, Medicaid, or FPOS.
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin has consistently provided trusted, safe health care services and information to everyone, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender identification, and ability to pay. We proudly provide well over 100,000 patient appointments each year. The overwhelming majority of these appointments are for birth control services, STI testing, and health screenings.
When people have full control over their decisions and their bodies — they have the freedom to determine their future, follow their dreams, decide who to love, and fight for what they’re passionate about.
Health care is a human right — no matter your zip code, income level, immigration status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Planned Parenthood helps to build safe, healthy, strong communities by providing access to the full range of essential reproductive and sexual health services and education.
We see patients as people — deserving of empathy and compassion. We see patients openly and honestly, without judgment or shame.
Planned Parenthood exists to create a world in which one’s body is truly their own.
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