Birth control now.
Three types of birth control are just a download away. It’s as easy as download, click, and pay. Get the app and get the pill, the patch, or the ring sent right to your home.
Want birth control delivered to you? Planned Parenthood offers QCK Birth Control by mail. Available for no cost for those with Badgercare+, Medicaid, or FPOS.
Three types of birth control are just a download away. It’s as easy as download, click, and pay. Get the app and get the pill, the patch, or the ring sent right to your home.
Three types of birth control are just a download away. It’s as easy as download, click, and pay. Get the app and get the pill, the patch, or the ring sent right to your home.
PP Direct is a mobile app offering patients birth control (pills, patch, ring) and Urinary Tract Infection treatment, conveniently through their mobile phone. PP Direct is available 24/7 and is a good solution for individuals willing to pay directly for their birth control needs. It can cost as little as $25/month. You can learn more about the app here.
These are uncertain times and the health and safety of our patients, staff, and community is our top priority. PPWI is a proud health care partner dedicated to ensuring people have access to the health care they need to be safe, healthy and strong.
The safety and health of our patients and staff is always our number one priority. As Wisconsin works through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have launched a new telehealth program, allowing patients to access high-quality, affordable health care services by phone or through a private and secure video platform. Additionally, our doors are still open for in-person appointments and we are taking special precautions to ensure our patients and staff are safe, healthy, and strong. All patients must schedule an appointment. Make an appointment online or call us at 1-800-230-PLAN. No guests, including children, are allowed to accompany patients into a health center.
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